The wedding of a Princess is well worth a stamp surcharge!
A little more than a century ago, Monaco was celebrating the wedding of Princess Charlotte at the Principality’s cathedral.
April 13, 2023A little more than a century ago, Monaco was celebrating the wedding of Princess Charlotte at the Principality’s cathedral.
April 13, 2023Sheets of stamps, or souvenir sheets, are highly sought after by collectors. They feature an illustration in which there is one, or several stamps. The sheets are often issued to celebrate an event. They are known as commemorative sheets.
March 27, 2023In this new World of Collecting video, experience the construction of the Eiffel Tower, one of the most famous monuments in the world, with Sébastien Delcampe.
March 20, 2023Whether you are a deltiologist, a philatelist, a numismatist or a photography enthusiast, enjoy your new Delcampe Magazine Collections Classiques now!
March 16, 2023The Swiss issued a very peculiar stamp in the shape of a vinyl record. Are you interested in this incredible item? It’s the theme of the new World of Collecting video!
February 23, 2023While young girls are thinking about choosing THE dress that will fit them perfectly at their university or graduation prom, I wanted to invite you to a little trip into our past to show you that this prom tradition is not new!
February 15, 2023We are very pleased that Herbert Fischer has accepted to give you a regular update on the evolution of the postcard collection market on our blog. The articles are produced with the kind support of the Daniel Stade auction house.
February 15, 2023See the Delcampe top sales for February 2023 here.
February 9, 2023Françoise Valette, a Delcampe member, introduced them to me in her book “Flânerie dans la carte postale aluminium”, a 212- page reference work with over 400 postcards illustrating the topic. I felt I absolutely had to share this very unique theme with you!
February 9, 2023Sébastien Delcampe introduces you to Josephine Baker, who was inducted into the Pantheon in 2021: a great star and a woman with a heart of gold. The world of collecting pays homage to her.
February 2, 2023