The Delcampe YouTube channel has reached 15,000 subscribers!

It's a great day for us: 15,000 of you are now following us on the Delcampe channel! Thank you very much!

September 25, 2023

Enjoy reading the Delcampe Magazine – Classic Collections 7

Your new Delcampe Magazine Classic Collections is here! Enjoy reading about your favourite collections!

September 14, 2023

Delcampe Top Sales September 2023

See the Delcampe top sales for September 2023 here.

September 7, 2023

There are Barday postcardsand then there are Barday postcards!

Looking on Delcampe for a new illustrator to feature, I decided to look at Barday postcards. The site has several thousand of these cards, some quite different from others. A few of them are also signed by Barday, but not all. So why is that? In fact, after some research, the answer is quite simple!

August 8, 2023

Delcampe Top Sales August 2023

See the Delcampe top sales for August 2023 here.

August 8, 2023

Happy birthday to the picture postcard

Happy birthday to the picture postcardThis 4th of August is an important day for deltiologists. That is why is decorated in their honour.

August 3, 2023

Get your teeth into collecting

No, we’re not going to talk about philatelic perforation here, rather about a very special collection belonging to Henri Aronis, a former dentist who has created a website that presents his fascinating collection, already winning a string of open-class awards.

July 31, 2023

The flying bicycle!

I was about to settle in to pen a nice article for the summer about cycling and the Tour de France when I came across two postcards that showed a rather original idea: the flying bicycle. It’s a most unusual theme... Why don’t I tell you about it?

July 25, 2023

Delcampe Top Sales July 2023

See the Delcampe top sales for July 2023 here.

July 12, 2023

Oyez, Oyez, Oyez! Watch the new World of Collecting video!

In this video, Sébastien Delcampe introduces you to the forgotten profession of town crier. The forerunner of our modern media has been working since ancient times to pass on information to the world at large!

June 21, 2023

Delcampe Magazine Collections Classiques n°6 is now available!

Whether you are a deltiologist, a philatelist, a numismatist or a photography enthusiast, enjoy your new Delcampe Magazine Collections Classiques now!

June 15, 2023

Delcampe Top Sales June 2023

See the Delcampe top sales for June 2023 here.

June 8, 2023