Photos of celebrities

It’s common knowledge that stars sell. Look no further than the number of celebrity magazines available today. Some of the older stars, who made an impression on audiences with their talent and uncommon presence, are still very popular on Delcampe today. We would like to introduce you to six major stars who have been immortalised in photos. As you can well imagine, this article is far from exhaustive. I hope that it will make you a littl

May 17, 2022

Delcampe Top Sales May 2022

See the Delcampe top sales for May 2022 here.

May 12, 2022

Women’s magazines from yesterday

Although it’s perfectly normal nowadays to receive your women’s magazine every week (why read just one?) and although the latest issue will provide excellent, feminist advice (“Make your husbands do the dishes, ladies!”) this form of writing took time to develop.

May 5, 2022

A Penny Black that’s travelled far and wide!

In his new World of Collecting video, Sébastien invites us to travel with a letter from his personal collection.

April 28, 2022

A Stamp to Celebrate Esch-2022, European Capital of Culture

Together with the city of Kaunas, the Luxembourg city of Esch-sur-Alzette has the honour of being the 2022 capital of culture. Established in 1985, the promotion of cities as European capitals of culture has already celebrated the city of Luxembourg twice, in 2007 and 1995. This is the third time the honour has been given to a city in the Grand Duchy.

April 25, 2022

The first Delcampe Magazine – Classic Collections is now available!

Your Delcampe Magazines Philately and Special Edition are merging! Discover the new Delcampe Magazine - Classic Collections.

April 21, 2022

A little-known face of great value!

Do you know Bartolomeo Borghesi? No? Yet his face appeared on a San Marino commemorative coin in 2004, which may be worth several hundreds of euros!

April 12, 2022

Delcampe Top Sales 2

See the Delcampe top sales for April 2022 here.

April 6, 2022

The Godot numismatics house joins Delcampe Marketplace

Jonathan Fhal is the CEO of Godot et Fils. The numismatics house is very old and one of the most important ones in France. It recently joined the Delcampe Marketplace, which was exciting news for collectors. We were very happy to be able to ask Mr Fhal a few questions on this occasion.

March 25, 2022

Some 1 franc coins still have value.

The 1 franc Semeuse (Sower) coin was used in France until the arrival of the Euro. It still interests many numismatists and can reach unexpected prices. Are you curious about it? A lot of information on this topic awaits you in this new video from the World of Collecting!

March 24, 2022

“Top sales”: the new Delcampe video series

Hundreds of thousands of items are sold on Delcampe every month. We want to share some of the best items sold on the marketplace with you.

March 16, 2022

The postcard barometer

We are very pleased that Herbert Fischer has accepted to give you a regular update on the evolution of the postcard collection market on our blog. The articles are produced with the kind support of the Daniel Stade auction house.

March 15, 2022