RPSL's press release

Dr Andrew Telfer Brunton FRPSL, Bob Medland FRPSL, Simon Richards FRPSL, President of the Royal Philatelic Society London, and Dr Ian Pinwill FRPSL.

Over one hundred members and guests came to the Royal Philatelic Society London on Thursday, 6 February to see a feast of exceptional material that had been brought together by members living in the South West Region. The items on display filled 54 frames, including much that was scarce and unusual.

Steven Harrison FRPSL, Honorary Secretary of the Society, described the displays as ‘an exceptional, interesting mixture’ adding that he ‘always looks forward to displays given by members from the regions, as you never know what you are going to see, there always being something of interest’.

That was certainly the case on this occasion, the displays covering such diverse topics as: British Postal Reform of 1784 to 1879; Mulready postal stationery; Post Office Telegraphs, including the first issue from concept and cancellations and usages; Exeter and Devon postal history plus Devonshire squared circle postmarks; mail from South Australia; colour trials from Natal and die proofs from Niue; Cyprus air mails; Barbados registered envelopes.

But there was so much more, every frame holding something to draw the attention.

Simon Richards FRPSL, President of the Society, especially thanked those who had brought these wonderful displays together, Dr Andrew Telfer Brunton FRPSL, Bob Medland FRPSL and Dr Ian Pinwill FRPSL.

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Written by Héloïse

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