Post Luxembourg celebrates the first century of the first commemorative stamp sheet in the world!
Sheets of stamps, or souvenir sheets, are highly sought after by collectors. They feature an illustration in which there is one, or several stamps. The sheets are often issued to celebrate an event. They are known as commemorative sheets.
Since stamp collecting began at the same time as the first stamps were issued, making fans around the world, post offices quickly started to work to please collectors, outdoing each other in creativity to offer beautiful products, including the souvenir sheet.
The first commemorative sheet of stamps in the world is a hundred years old. It was issued by Luxembourg. The dark green 140 stamp valued at 10 francs is attached to a white sheet. It is nu mber 1A, which was issued to celebrate the birth of Princess Elisabeth of Luxembourg, who was born on 22 December 1922. The sheet was issued in 5,100 copies. The sheet is for sale on Delcampe for over €500, well be low its quoted value.
Other countries soon followed Luxembourg, France among others for the 1925 Paris exhibition. Currently, several hundred commemorative sheets are issued every year around the world. Which means that paying homage to their ancestor is the right thing to do.
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