Following a very hectic trip to the collection item camping ground, Delcampe welcomes you to your new holiday home!

Here is our second short video of the summer.
This summer, I’m going Delcamping! #2 – YouTube
Interested in the previous one? Click here!
To be continued in two weeks!
It’s going to be a great summer on, the collectors’ marketplace!
Excellent blog from Delcampe. Keep it up.
Delcampe is GREAT throughout the year! Why? Just look at the media and how we are a throw away society. Delcampe ensures we respect and reuse what has been made in the past and is recycled for future generations! Unique gifts can be found at Delcampe!
So you could say, Delcampe It!
Long may we continue to look at the past and even learn from the past, making things today that will last, stand the test of time, and be great collectables of tomorrow. I love Delcampe, what it stands for, and the users who are just like us and want to save the planet and conserve for future generations!!!