Press Release from RPSL

Benjamin Franklin addresses the Royal

Timothy O’Connor donned the persona of Doctor Benjamin Franklin while Postmaster of Philadelphia to recount Colonial American Postal History 1675 – 1783 to the gathered members of The Royal Philatelic Society London at their meeting on 14 June.

Through a presentation and display of a wonderful array of covers the story unfolded from the mid 17th century through to the end of the American War for Independence in 1783. The material shown in the frames opened with a letter sent in 1675 from Fort Albany to Rotterdam, the earliest letter from the newly re-conquered Fort Orange. Nowadays Albany is where the first permanent Dutch settlement in New Netherland was.

Included in the presentation was a cover, marked ‘Post Payd’, from the Lovelace Post of 1672/73, an effort by Francis Lovelace, who became Governor of New York Colony in 1668, to create a reliable line of discourse with the New England Confederacy.

The Chief Commoner of The City of London, John Scott FRPSL, addressed those present to thank Doctor Franklin for his ‘unique collection’, wondering how he had managed to acquire such magnificent material, clearly demonstrating his ‘fascination for history as conveyed by covers’.

Those wishing to visit The Royal Philatelic Society London at 41 Devonshire Place, London W1G 6JY, or be a guest at one of its meetings, are asked to contact the Administrative Office (020 7486 1044).

Chief Commoner of The City of London, John Scott FRPSL, and Patrick Maselis RDP FRPSL, President, welcome Doctor Benjamin Franklin, alias Timothy O’Connor, to The Royal Philatelic Society London.

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Written by Héloïse

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