This Mardi Gras, what could be more appropriate than to pay tribute to Carnival? Take a look at some beautiful, colourful old postcards!

The etymology of the word is as follows. Carnival is derived from the Latin word ” carnevalare ” which means to remove meat. In fact, for Christians, Carnival takes place on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent, i.e. the 40-day period of deprivation before Easter.

If this explanation holds, it is also possible that Carnival, like many other festivals, is an evolution of an ancient festival where there was no shortage of popular festivities.

While fancy dress remains a commonly accepted rule, Carnival can take on many different forms, from processions to balls to parades…All to the delight of young and old alike. From Venice to Rio, Nice to Binche, thousands of places around the world celebrate this tradition of popular jubilation!

Since the birth of photography and the postcard, traditions have been immortalised on paper. Thus, long before television, those interested in this subject could admire postcards depicting carnivals, costumed or masked characters, in colour or black and white depending on the possibilities of different eras.

The carnival tradition has stood the test of time. You’ve no doubt taken the opportunity for an outing with family or friends to watch this colourful celebration just a stone’s throw from home. Unfortunately, time flies, but luckily for us,postcards and photographs are our best allies for keeping the memories alive!

Discover thousands of carnival-themed postcards for sale on Delcampe!

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Written by Héloïse

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