Tomb Raider Wallpaper

From Lara Croft to Tomb Raider (Part 2)

A true pillar of video gaming, the Tomb Raider franchise has had many sequels. The instalments came out one after the other, but the series was ageing and in need of a second wind. The “new and improved” Tomb Raider of 2013 was the jolt the saga needed, and it gave Lara Croft her lustre back.

May 24, 2018
Evolution de Lara Croft

From Lara Croft to Tomb Raider (Part 1)

Twenty years ago, an unusual 3D adventure game called Tomb Raider was released on the Saturn and PlayStation game consoles. It would revolutionize the gaming world and make its heroine Lara Croft popular around the world.

March 27, 2018

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