The Delcampe Terms and Conditions of Use will be updated in a fortnight.
Published on 17 September 2024
This message has been sent to you in order to inform you of the changes to the Delcampe Charter that will apply as of 01/10/2024.

Our General Terms and Conditions of Use (the Charter) will be modified as of 01/10/2024.
If you would like to find out about these changes, please consult the dedicated article in the Help Centre.
You can also consult the new Charter.
As soon as the change is effective, Delcampe will ask you to indicate your consent by clicking on the “accept” button on the website in order to continue using it.
We thank you in advance and wish you nice transactions on
Heloise, I find Delcampe all right except for the continual recycling of lots which are generally worth buying by anyone. Can you limit the number of times an article for sale can be offered before it must be withdrawn from sale. Regards.
I have two compasses from the World War in good condition, collectibles, for sale to the highest bidder.
Don’t hesitate to sell it on Delcampe.
Best regards
Yes, yes, yes…..PLEASE put a limit on the time that each article can be offered for sale on Delcampe. The site is slowly filling up (and cluttered) with stale photos and postcards that have been offered for sale for 6-10+ (or more) years! Since those items have not been sold by now they should be removed.from Delcampe.
Item number 267024407 is a good example of this. That photo has been listed for sale on Delcampe since June 2014…..well over a decade (10+ years!!) now on Delcampe and still no sale!! ….and the seller even raised the price at one point….so obviously they are not really interested in selling the photo…..which now just clutters up Delcampe with a stale, unsellable photo..
Thank you,
Dear Alan
You have a very valid point. As an example there are some 100 cards of the Angelus listed for less than £1 – But one seller, who has a pseudo based on an extinct bird from Mauritius, has 40+ listed and priced at £7.00 and above.
On the other hand:
As long-time retiree with a smallish shop, I sell 10-15 items every month that have been on Delcampe for several years – last week a card listed in 2015.
Conversely, I recently bought a grotty 1euro card listed in 2007 (or there abouts) – the only example ever posted on Delcampe – but which was part of the 1000 + series published by Lévy to coincide with the opening of La Corniche d’Or.
Best regards Anthony Runge
Do we have a choice if we want to continue – have to agree don’t we.
Dear Sir,
Indeed, but we have to inform you about the changes.
Best regards
I am happy with my sales at Delcampe