Press release from RPSL

The world of pictorial collecting

The increasing popularity of thematic collecting led to the formation of the British Thematic Association (BTA) in 1984. On the occasion of its 40th anniversary, the BTA presented an afternoon of displays to the members of the Royal Philatelic Society London on 21 March. The Chairman of the BTA, Barry Stagg FRPSL, explained that the aim was to demonstrate the diversity of material members collect, not just thematics but also open philately and postcards. Indeed, the afternoon was titled ‘Showcasing the world of pictorial collecting’.

Barry added that there is ‘no particularly right way to collect thematics as styles have changed over the years, but all enjoy what they collect’. Subjects on display not only included Bicycles, Blood, Copper, Gold, Paper making, Parachutes, Umbrellas and the United Nations, but also embraced Greetings Telegrams, Postcards of Sarawak, The Letter Card of the Penny Post Jubilee exhibition at Guildhall, and the ways in which Royal Mail has promoted its products.

The change in attitude over the years was reiterated by Grace Davies FRPSL in thanking all who had shown for providing such a variety of subjects. Michael Roberts FRPSL, President of the Royal Philatelic Society London, expressed his own thanks, adding that he had enjoyed what he had seen, and learned something.

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Written by Héloïse

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