Press Release from RPSL

Space for an amazing display

The members of the Royal Philatelic Society London are fully enjoying the more spacious surroundings to be found at the Society’s new home at 15 Abchurch Lane in the City of London.

On the first floor is one of two large meeting rooms, this accommodating the frames in which afternoon meetings comprising comprehensive displays are held. On the second floor is a similar meeting room, this having space for additional frames, plus seating for meetings that include a presentation.

Both rooms were fully utilised on Thursday, 10 October when Edward Klempka FRPSL presented an incredible display of covers relating to Foreign Military Activity in the Russian Civil War of 1917 to 1923.

Unfortunately ill health meant that Edward could not attend in person, but his daughter Isobel was present to hear the many words of congratulation from all present. These were summed up by Richard Wheatley FRPSL, giving the Vote of Thanks, who described the material as ‘staggering, amazing, and of such wide scope from a very great and knowledgeable philatelist’.

Richard Stock FRPSL, President of the Royal Philatelic Society London, added his own thanks for a ‘magnificent and superb display’ before presenting Isobel with the Society’s 150th Anniversary Medal to pass on to her father.

Those wishing to visit the Royal Philatelic Society London at 15 Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BW (a short walk from Bank Underground Station), or be a guest at one of its meetings, are asked to contact the Administrative Office (020 7486 1044).

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Written by Héloïse

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One comment

  1. Dear Sir

    I have a very good and rare collection of most of the British colonies like Rhodesia, Orange River Colony, Northern Rhodesia, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, Swaziland. Cape Triangle, Beuchanaland, Swaziland, Jamaica .from Africa and in almost all the British colonies in Asia and rare stamps of Trucial States in the Middle East. from early Queen Victoria, which are good for presentation at Royal Philatelic Society London (RPSL).

    I can send videos of stamps and also would like to get a valuation of the stamps. Please advise me on this.

    How can I get in touch with stamp collectors with the same interest?

    yours faithfully