Securely select new customers!

An update to your terms and conditions of sale

As a seller, you can now set not only the continents but also the countries to which you are willing to deliver. This will let you broaden your community of buyers.

For example, you can accept transactions throughout an entire continent with the exception of one country or another.

An easily configurable map of the world

An update to your te


By default, your map is configured based on your previous choices.

You don’t want to make any changes? In this case, you don’t have to do anything. Your map is already set!


An update to your teYou want to add or remove countries you will deliver to?

Once connected to your account on, go to:

Sell/My store: sales conditions.

You will have access to the world map and you can click on the countries or continents you are interested in.


You want to add a continent or country without using the interactive map?

That’s also possible. Use our scrolling menus and mark the locations you want to add.

We hope this enhancement will bring you new customers and successful transactions on Delcampe!

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Written by Héloïse

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  1. That is a really good improvement and something I have been dreaming of for some time now, especially in this time of uncertain postal deliveries due to Covid-19. Only problem right now seems to be, that the new parameters are not recorded, even though a message says that they have.

  2. ok, i continue to act in delcampe, thanks