Press Release from RPSL

Members of societies part of the Association of Essex Philatelic Societies provided the displays at the first meeting in 2019 of The Royal Philatelic Society London held on 10 January. The occasion was the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Association.
No fewer than thirteen of the 21 societies of the Association were represented, with 27 of the members providing exhibits. As might be expected, a wide variety of material was on show. Giving the vote of thanks, Geoff Hanney offered his congratulations to all who had provided such a diverse array, ‘covering all aspects of philately and every Continent’. He added that it was ‘good to see modern material’ and clearly there had been ‘lots of research by the owners’. Thanks were given to Len Stanway FRPSL for coordinating the afternoon’s displays.
President of the ‘Royal’, Patrick Maselis RDP FRPSL, expressed his own thanks, highlighting a exhibit of forgeries of the current British Machin definitives, surprised at the large number of forgeries that exist, many difficult to distinguish from the genuine stamps.
Instead of receiving the usual plaquette, those who display at the ‘Royal’ during this year, celebrating the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Society, will be presented with a specially struck medal.
Those wishing to visit The Royal Philatelic Society London at 41 Devonshire Place, London W1G 6JY, or be a guest at one of its meetings, are asked to contact the Administrative Office (020 7486 1044).