On 7 March 2024, Sébastien Delcampe will be answering your questions about the future of www.delcampe.net, the collectors' marketplace. Join him at 3pm to submit your questions!

Join Sébastien Delcampe live on 7 March 2024!

The Delcampe website has changed a lot in the last few weeks. These changes are different steps towards a new functioning of the Delcampe website.

Sébastien Delcampe would like to talk to you about these changes in English in a live video. Two videos in French already exist. You can watch them by adding subtitles in your language:

Video explaining the new Delcampe system

Live from 20/02/2024 in French

If you have any questions or issues you’d like to discuss, we invite you to ask your questions during the live session on 07/03/2024. You can post them in the comments on the day of the live show or send them to us in advance by email to magazine@delcampe.com

Delcampe Live will start at 3pm (Paris time) on 7 March.

Click here to join this event

Written by Olivier Laurent

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  1. Bonjour,

    Je souhaite acheter une image de confirmation de 1971 sur votre site, cela m’intrigue car j’ai moi même fait ma confirmation à cette époque mais en région parisienne : comment dois je procéder pour l’acheter ?

    Bien cordialement