The collection market is of prime importance to us. We are interested in your collecting habits. Take part in our survey to get to know you better.

Your opinion matters
Our collector survey is aimed at sellers as well as buyers and those who wear both hats.
It consists of about fifteen questions most of which are multiple-choice. Completing this survey should take you less than 5 minutes.
The replies will be treated anonymously as quantitative data for the most part. Under no circumstances is it our goal to associate a person with an answer.
We simply ask you to tell us about your collecting habits in order to better understand our audience and increase our community.
In a few months, a survey specific to the Delcampe website will be proposed to you. It will only focus on the website itself.
We thank you in advance for your participation! Your opinions are very valuable to us.
Sébastien Delcampe and his team