Press Release from RPSL

On War

The daily news is dominated by war. It was against this background that Jonas Hällström RDP FRPSL focused his presentation to the Royal Philatelic Society London on 26 September. It was based on his personal collection, an array of postal and philatelic material brought together without concern for the rules that determine what is shown in competitive exhibits.

This thematic collection reflects Jonas’ professional background, as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Swedish Armed Forces, and the renowned work Vom Kriege (‘On War’) by the Prussian General, Carl von Clausewitz. This work, although unfinished on his death in 1831, is regarded as a seminal treatise on military strategy and science and is still studied today.

The Vote of Thanks was given by Grace Davies FRPSL whose own thematic interest is Peace, in sharp contrast to the subject of the presentation. Grace described it as a ‘quality display, providing a special afternoon’. Simon Richards FRPSL, Vice President of the Society, adding his own thanks, remarking that the presentation had demonstrated the ‘power of thematic philately to convey ideas and get stories across’.

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Written by Héloïse

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