Many people have asked for it...Now it’s back... Discover your new agenda today! Don’t miss out on any more events of interest to you!

Choose your events
Collectors can read all about the events listed in our agenda. We want this service to be as broad as possible so that everyone can find out what’s happening in their area.
You can select the events of interest to you based on where you live, the best dates for you, the type of event and, especially, the collections that interest you.
There are two ways to access the collectors’ agenda:
– go to the bottom of the page and click on “Agenda” in the “Community” section.
– go to your account (“My Delcampe”), select “Community”, then “Agenda”.
Want to explore upcoming events? Go to the agenda!
Post your events
Are you organizing a show and want to advertise it? Are you taking part in an exhibition you want to tell people about? You can, free of charge, thanks to Delcampe!
You can add your event if you are connected to the website. Take the time to fill in the form with the information about your event:
• Address
• Dates (you can add a second and third day for longer events)
• Type of event
• Collections
• Entry price
• Number of exhibitors
• Photos (posters, photos from previous years: you can enter up to five photos).
The more precise the information, the better you’ll reach your intended audience. Once the form has been completed, it will take three working days at the most for the Delcampe teams to approve your event. We’re only interested in events related to collecting.
Organizers can also request a partnership with Delcampe. To find out more, go to our dedicated page.
Want to announce your event? Don’t wait, add it to the collectors’ agenda today!
Hello Héloïse
Just noticed this. It seems like a useful addition.
Only to note that “Agenda” is the wrong word in English. It should be “Diary”.
Here, an agenda is the list of things to be discussed, most commonly at a meeting (I think that for you that’s an “Ordre”?)
best wishes