Transaction security continues to be one of the driving forces behind our site. Recently, we wanted to strengthen this security by making it easier to verify your account.

From now on, you can verify your account by SMS in addition to the traditional postal verification. It is extremely simple and free. Want to know more about this step? Check out our article on our Help Centre
We would like to take this opportunity to share with you a few essential elements to keep in mind when making transactions.
First, we remind you that the only authorized payment methods on Delcampe are Delcampe Pay, PayPal, bank transfer, national cheque, and cash. If a seller offers you to pay via another payment method (for example Western Union or MoneyGram), we ask you to refuse and to comply with the methods authorized on the website.
Also, be careful if a seller tells you that a purchase will be shipped from a country that does not match their country of residence.
Then, always be cautious of new sellers with little or no feedback who simultaneously offer very interesting items for sale at incredibly attractive prices. Always check the seller’s profile and assume that: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
Finally, and for security reasons, we remind you that our members’ email addresses are never shared. Therefore, if you are contacted directly on your personal mailbox (i.e., outside the Delcampe website) by a potential buyer who asks you to send his purchase to another address than the one given on Delcampe, we ask you not to accept this request. The same careful approach applies if you are contacted by a seller (outside Delcampe) to conclude a transaction outside our website or if you receive a payment request including unauthorized payment methods.
In order to limit the risk of being contacted by a third party, we encourage you not to disclose your email address publicly, whether it is during a question and answer session under a sale, or via any public page of your account (profile page, shop page…).
Do not forget that the first defense against scam attempts is your vigilance.
If you have any doubt or if you think you are in contact with a scammer, do not hesitate to contact Delcampe Customer Service to let them know.
By doing so, you will be doing the Delcampe community a favour.
Want to know more about this? Visit our Help Center.