Press release from RPSL

A nation divided by slavery

The American Civil War, which lasted from 12 April 1861 until peace was agreed on 9 April 1865, was fought over the question of slavery. Abraham Lincoln, elected President of the United States in 1860, was opposed to the expansion of slavery. Over the next few months, a total of eleven states in the south, disagreeing with his views, left the Union to form the Confederate States of America.

The impact of the war on the postal services was explained to the members of The Royal Philatelic Society London in a presentation and magnificent display given on 13 June by Daniel J. Ryterband FRPSL. Correspondence, including trade, was banned between the North and the South. Both the Union and Confederate States operated their own postal services, with their own stamps, the effects of which were made clear by Daniel.

The covers on display were superb, the entire presentation being described by Michael Roberts FRPSL, President of the Society, as ‘thoroughly enthralling’, sentiments echoed by Stephen Taylor giving the Vote of Thanks. Stephen thanked Daniel for coming over from the United States to give a display that represents ‘an amazing journey over the years of research and exhibiting’. The display won the Grand Prix at the international stamp exhibition held in Stockholm in 2019.

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Written by Héloïse

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  1. Why don’t you put the exhibit pages up for view temporary

    • Hello,

      It is a press release from the RPSL they did not give me more information.

      Best regards


  2. Nice job! Waves the stars and stripes flag.