At Delcampe, over recent months, we have been developing the ‘customer’s voice’ project. Several approaches are envisaged to work with you, the Delcampe of tomorrow.

Customer focus – because your opinion is essential

The possibility for all our of teams to meet our customers

Delcampers who attend exhibitions have probably had the opportunity to meet some of us: Sebastien, Silvia, Philippe, Christophe and I enjoy coming to meet you in this context. Moreover, don’t hesitate to come and talk with us when you come across us – we’ll always be happy to chat with you.

The Customer Service team, Dimitri, Cathy, Elise, Hélène, Miranda, Lili, Philippe and Marion are in daily contact with our members helping to answer their questions.

Our technical, marketing and administrative teams, however, do not have this opportunity. Yet, who better than you to express the difficulties encountered and suggestions for improvement.

Customer focus - bec Home collector

Based on this observation, some of these teams went to see a collector. Nansen very kindly welcomed the opportunity to talk to them about his passion. During an afternoon discussion, he explained his methods of searching for items, which he would like to see improved on the site.

A few weeks later, during our annual team meeting, it was Michel Poultier who honored us with his presence to explain his passion as a collector and his involvement in his association.

These first two meetings allowed us to open up the debate for new ideas. Over the coming months, we are planning other meetings that may bring us new ideas.



Customer focus - bec

The Delcampe testers program

Less personal but just as effective, a few months ago now, we launched the Delcampe testers program.

Thanks to the 360 people who have joined this program, we are developing each phase of our new payment method project: Delcampe Pay.


Customer focus - becDelcampe, a site where warmth and humanness come before anything else

This project is so important to us because it’s what sets us apart from other marketplaces. In doing so, a year ago, we received Capital’s Palmares Award. At Delcampe, we want to promote warmth and keep collectors, buyers and sellers at the center of our concerns.

We would like to use the opportunity of this article to thank all the Delcampers who trust us and send us their suggestions.

Written by Olivier Laurent

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  1. I find it sad that stamp companies have not looked at the possible market of Black Collectors. I only started collecting Black American on postal stamps when I saw a display at a fair in St.Paul. I have Not or Met another black collector of Blacks on Postal stamps. I’ve tried to introduce to black youngsters in the collecting of Black stamps. I would think that if Delcampe had a display of Black on Postal stamps from all over the world at a Black convention or at a large event it might create some interests. The USPS normally are sometimes present at the NAACP conventions. “Just some thought”

  2. Delcmpe payment methods sometimes fails when the customers wishes to make the pyment thopugh credit cards. So tou initative for search of a new and better way is appriğaciable.
    Besides I wish to propose the following:
    – A new method for selling stamps on thematic basis e. g. ” stamps and coins on the clasical music composers”,
    conductors, opera singers, film makers such as Passolini etc. Maria Callas, Pavarotti etc,
    – A new method for selling stamps and coins on world leaders or heros such as Napoleaon, Atatürk, Churchill, Lenin etc.
    -A new method for selling stamps and coins on leading economists, politicians, scientists, writers such as Karl Marx, Adam Smith, Keynes, darwin, Sigmund Freud, Goethe, Kafka etc.
    – A new method for selling the stamps or coins on musical instruments, the most renown painters, sculptors,