Press release from RPSL

A Hungarian Rhapsody

Seven displays illustrating the postal history of the territories that made up the Kingdom of Hungary while it formed part of the Austrian Empire were shown to the members of the Royal Philatelic Society London at a meeting on 12 October. The displays, presented by Bill Hedley FRPSL, Dénes Czirók RDP, FRPSL and Adriano Bergamini FRPSL, were given the title ‘A Hungarian Rhapsody: 400 Years of Postal History’.

The subjects covered were: the Post in Hungary’s Story up to 1900; Hungarian Letter Mail 1750-1850; The Austrian Post in Hungary 1850-1867; the independent Hungarian postal administration 1867-1875; Incoming Mail to Hungary 1850-1875; Foreign Mail from Hungary 1875-1900; the Hotel Posts of Siebenbürgen 1895-1926.

Without exception, the material on show was superb, with many very rare pieces, the description ‘only known’ or ‘only a few recorded’ being frequently applied.

The enthusiasm of all who viewed the display was echoed by Lillian Swift giving the Vote of Thanks, who thanked the three presenters for their ‘wonderful displays that had shown an enviable depth of knowledge and quite incredible research’.

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Written by Héloïse

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