Charles Connell was a New Brunswick politician from a Loyalist family and the Postmaster General. It was in this position that, in 1861, he issued a stamp in his likeness instead of that of Queen Victoria.

The affair created such an outcry that he bought up all of the stamps and allegedly burned them in public in front of his house. That’s how he created a very rare stamp!
Some information about New Brunswick
New Brunswick was one of the four founding provinces of Canada together with Nova Scotia, Quebec and Ontario. The authorities separated the province from Nova Scotia in 1784. It owes its name to King George III of England, who was also Duke of Brunswick. The Duchy of Brunswick is currently part of Lower Saxony in Germany.
The province has few inhabitants. It is 83% covered in forest. The surface area of New Brunswick is 71,300 sq. km which is about the size of Belgium and the Netherlands together. It has large lakes and nearly 2,300 km of coast line. The population is 1/3 French-speaking and 2/3 English-speaking.
The French-speaking population consists of Acadians who sought refuge during the deportations from Nova Scotia. The English-speaking population is descended from English colonists and, especially, Loyalists who left the United States after independence.
Stamp collecting in New Brunswick
New Brunswick issued its first stamps in 1851. This consisted of a series of three stamps: three pence (red), six pence and one shilling (purple) stamps.
The government issued new stamps in 1860 and 1863:
several Queen Victoria stamps with a face value of 2 cents (orange), 5 cents (green) and 10 cents (red) are from this period.
The 1-cent lilac stamp features a train and the 12-cent blue one has a boat.
There was also the Charles Connell stamp mentioned above.
Lastly, there was a 17-cent (black) stamp depicting Prince Edward VII.
Discover the New Brunswick stamps for sale on Delcampe!
Do you have a list of Black Americans citizens on Mexico Postal Stamps?
Hello. What is the best way to find out if any of my old stamps (collected 50 years ago) are worth anything?
If there is a stamp club in your area someone might be able to help. We need to know how many stamps ? a handfull , a world collection , remember that 90% of used stamps barely have face value . Stamp collecting is in general decline with many cities now having not one single dealer. To have stamps of value they had to be collected by a person that was building a collection specifically for this purpose. Ie He or she would collect new high values in mint condition and leave out the rest. the person would know the trends of which countries are popular at the time an buy and sell accordingly The likelihood you have a collection like this is slim or you would already know.
Bob Forrest topical collector an exhibitor
Thanks for the interesting article on New Brunswick. Have travelled there many times and find the people to be super welcoming. The natural beauty of their forests aand rivers makes me return again and again. And those beautiful early stamps of New Brunswick highlight a Canadian Provinces collection. Well centered examples are a challenge to find.
I found the articles on the Australian and Hawaiian Missionary stamps very interesting.