Do you really know everything about Game of Thrones?
As the last season of the most popular series in the world (173 countries!) is finally starting, let's look back at what made it a success.

The bets are off: who will end up on the Iron Throne? Stark, Targaryen, Lannister, Baratheon… everyone has their favorite house. From socks to key chains, stamps, coins, postcards, figurines or watches, you will have dozens of possibilities to wear a stag, wolf, lion or dragon!
Game of Thrones, where does it come from?
While Georges R.R. Martin started publishing the first novels in 1996, it took more than 10 years for the HBO channel to decide to acquire the rights. It will be another four years before we can discover the first episodes of this mythical series.
For 8 seasons, Game of Thrones characters have evolved around various plots making and breaking alliances in a fantastic medieval world. In addition to a huge cast, the focus is also on mythical creatures such as dragons.
The characters in Game Of Thrones can be as horrible as they are endearing and everyone will have their favorites!
While doing some research, I came across a few funny anecdotes… Did you know that….
Emilia Clarke was not supposed to play the role of Daenerys Targaryen. It should have been attributed to the actress Tamzin Merchant.
Lena Headey, who plays Cersei Lanister, was pregnant during the filming of the first season of Game Of Thrones.
Dothraki is a language in its own right created for the series. It is possible to buy a manual to learn it!
Oona Chaplin, who plays the role of Talisa, Robb Stark’s wife, is none other than Charlie Chaplin’s granddaughter.
The casting director of Game of Thrones, Nina Gold, is the same as the one of the last episode of Star Wars (Solo) where we find… Emilia Clarke!
All we need to do is to wish you a good last season of Game of Thrones and to encourage you to discover the collectibles related to the series on Delcampe!