Marco Occhipinti, our Italian colleague, wins the Grand Vermeil at IBRA 2023
Il nostro collega italiano Marco Occhipinti è stato premiato con una medaglia di Vermeil Grande per la sua partecipazione con "Sfizi di Posta" all'Esposizione Mondiale IBRA 2023. Va detto che questo appassionato, che ha fatto della filatelia la sua professione, è tutt'altro che un novellino.
Sfizi.Di.Posta is also his history and postal history blog, which reached over 16,000 followers on Facebook last May. He was one of the 5 finalists for the FRANCIS KIDDLE MEDAL FOR BEST PHILATELIC WEBSITE.
This award was instituted by the FEPA (Federation of European Philatelic Associations) in memory of Francis Kiddle, a well-known philatelist who dedicated his life to the development and improvement of philatelic literature, including digital literature. It is awarded to the website, channel, blog, application or other digital medium that successfully promotes philatelic activity.
Marco, who is training to become an international juror, is looking forward to taking part in new shows in order to discover new collections and share his knowledge in evaluating them.
At Delcampe, we are very proud of him and thank him for the knowledge he brings us, particularly through his active participation in the Delcampe series ” The world of collecting ” !