We are very happy to announce that in a few days we will launch our automated shipping fee management system. This will enable you to know directly the shipping costs when you buy an item and to obtain automatically calculated invoices that the seller only has to validate.

Buyers will be able to see directly, in the item gallery, the shipping costs they will be charged if they buy an item from sellers who have activated this system. As a result, the fees are visible from the start and transactions are faster for everyone!
As far as sellers are concerned, the system will also make their work much easier! Indeed, they will be able to create shipping fee calculation templates and then apply them to their items. When they sell one of them, the calculation will be done directly on the invoice. These templates are also saved in their settings and automatically suggested each time an item is listed.
If a seller decides to offer the delivery of an item, this will be highlighted in the gallery with the mention “Free shipping”.
This new feature will soon be available for free to everyone. We are looking forward to sharing it with you!
I prefer to check my shipping cost myself as I have done up to know.
I suggest you male your efforts un prmoting more your web page which we need in this pandemia times and LOWER sales. PROMOTE MORE YOUR WEB PAGE.
Thanks for asking for suggdstions. Kind regards by a retired business promoter worldwide. G.B.
Hello dear Delcampe Team !
Hello Dear Héloïse !
I have no idea how this will work.
The buyer requests delivery by Priority letter or by Recommended letter . How will this issue be automatically resolved?
Delivery depends on weight of the purchased items. How will the proposed innovation automatically regulate this moment?
I do not understand all this at the moment.
Best wishes.
A letter will follow at the launch with all the explanations. Yes, it is possible to plan the costs according to different carriers for the same item. The models can be based on the weight, the quantity, the amount of the sale or even a flat rate, according to your preferences. You will see, the system is very complete.
Best regards,