We’ve reached a new record: 50 million postcards for sale on the Delcampe website.

50 million postcards to discover on Delcampe!

50 million: enough to make you dream

The Delcampe website has existed for nearly 18 years. Stamps and postcards were among the first collection items for sale on the website. Over time, the number of postcards increased to reach the exceptional number of 50 million.

50 million postcardsYou can find a bit of everything on Delcampe: postcards of places, monuments, cities and villages from every country in the world, as well as themed postcards. Old trades, schools, vintage military and business postcards: collectors can choose their topics.



From every period

The postcards on the website are also special because they cover every period from the origins of the concept to today. Collectors can track the changes which have occurred in a place or the construction of a monument over time. Postcards provide a precise picture of a place in time.

How do postcard collectors get hooked?

You would like to see what your village looked like yesterday. You remember a vacation place you really loved. You start to look for old postcards that show you how they used to be…for just a few euros, you can acquire a wonderful souvenir…and then, maybe a second one. Next, you start to think that it would be nice to put a frame around the postcards and, slowly, but surely, you become a postcard collector.

That’s what happened to me. My last name is the same as a place and I discovered the Autricourt of yesterday thanks to Delcampe!

Postcard collecting, a thrilling hobby

There’s something magical about collecting old postcards. It enables you to see and understand many things about the past. You can find many witnesses to the past by going through our lists of postcard collections.

Don’t wait. Start exploring this category full of memories on Delcampe !

See other articles about postcard collecting.

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Written by Héloïse

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One comment

  1. I have a huge collection of Philatic stamps misprints 1st day covers 1st stamps etc from all over the world but not in albums! I want to sell it but font know how! Can you advise & help me! Regards Rex Lefebour