As part of the new functioning of the Delcampe website, sellers can no longer charge handling charges to buyers. This option has been removed to make invoices easier to understand and purchases more transparent.

Good news for buyers on the Delcampe website!

The previous functioning of the Delcampe website has been enhanced with a new system.At the request of our buyers, we have decided to offer greater transparency in purchasing. That’s why, from now on, it will no longer be possible to charge buyers additional fees.

The only remaining fee is shipping, which is charged to the buyer. In this way, invoices or payment requests will be simplified and there will be no more hidden charges.

We hope that this measure, which has been eagerly awaited by many members, will make your transactions easier on, the collectors’ marketplace.

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Written by Héloïse

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  1. I welcome this change. However, I believe it will be important for Delcampe to monitor postal charges as these can be easily – and often are – hugely inflated. I realise there are variables involved: size, weight of package etc. However, my experience of Delcampe sellers is that, often, when the postage ( and, previously, ‘ handling’ charges) were added, it made a seemingly attractively priced POSTCARD, not so attractive anymore! The consequence was not buying the postcard!

  2. Will you please offer your website to all 50 US states again. I really miss having the opportunity to buy postcards. Thank you

    • Hello,

      We would love to. Unfortunately we had to cut the 50 states for reasons of legislation in the states in question which we can’t find a solution for at the moment.

      We are regularly monitoring the situation and will be delighted to reopen them if anything changes.

      Yours sincerely
