From now on, the amount of the overbid that you indicate at the time of the sale will be entirely yours. The platform fees paid by the buyer will be added to the overbid you indicate.

Improving auction sales for sellers

Here’s how it will work:

For example, you have a sale of €10 and four overbids with an increment of €1. You will receive €10+4*€1, i.e. €14.

The final buyer will pay €11.3+4*€1.1=€15.7. The difference, i.e. €1.7, will go to Delcampe to pay for the platform and services.

As you know, on Delcampe, sellers no longer pay fees on the items they sell.

We wish you all the best with your sales on Delcampe.

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Written by Héloïse

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