Our automated shipping fee management system is increasingly popular with both buyers, who see the final amount of the transaction directly, and sellers, who save precious time. However, we have noticed that some sellers have got into the habit of creating a single template per item. What if we could reduce your work time by calculating fees automatically?
Delcampe enables you to create fixed price fee templates. Let’s imagine that you sell different kinds of items but that shipping costs roughly the same. You can then create a template that will include your different shipping methods, your accepted payment methods and a flat fee. You then save this template, which will automatically be proposed to you when you put your next item up for sale.
A customer buys several items? The costs are added together. But of course, the seller can easily reduce them. However, he cannot increase them. If you are a buyer, don’t hesitate to contact your seller to discuss this.
How do I start creating a template?
From the selling form, click on “set up my fees”. Creating a template will only take a few minutes but will save you valuable time when bidding in the future. Want to know more? Check out our Help Centre.