very year in September, Luxembourg organises a Stamp Day. After Differdange in 2022 and Capellen in 2021, in 2023 the town of Echternach has been chosen to host this famous Stamp Day.

Located on the German border in the Sûre valley, the town of Echternach is famous for its abbey, whose foundations date back to the seventh century. It is also the oldest town in Luxembourg. Here you can visit a Roman villa and sleep in medieval towers. For these reasons and more, Echternach is a popular destination for tourists, who are sure to flock to this wonderful Stamp Day.
and other philatelic souvenirs for the occasion, which I highly recommend to
you! This is not the first time that POST Luxembourg has put Echternach in the
In 1957, the town’s coat of arms was turned into a stamp. In 1969, a new
stamp put the town in the spotlight.
In 1975, a second one was released in praise of Echternach’s architectural heritage. Lastly, in 1998, a series of three stamps celebrated the city’s 1300th anniversary.
In addition to the town, several stamps have featured its abbey: a charity series
was issued in 1938 to help its restoration. The same idea was used after the war in 1947.
In 1983, the abbey’s great bible was honoured by philately with two new stamps to celebrate it. In 1985, the abbey’s orangery was highlighted on a two-colour orange and white stamp.

In 1953, it was the turn of the Basilica of Echternach to be honoured with the issue of two stamps. In 1980, the statue of Saint-Benoît also appeared on a stamp. And in 2005 and 2007, it was the turn of St Willibrord’s Basilica to be commemorated in stamps, namely its portal and organ.
In 2011, philately paid tribute to the Echternach dancing procession. This procession, which takes place on the Tuesday after Whit Sunday, is part of UNESCO’s intangible heritage.
As you can see, POST Luxembourg is,very attached to this pretty little town on the German border.
Would you like to discover other stamps relating to the town? If so, you can find them on Delcampe!