Since a few weeks, in compliance with sanitary measures, more and more events related to the collecting world are taking place. Delcampe offers a wonderful tool to promote your event and to find out what's going on in your area!

What is taking place near me?

By checking the link, you will find the list of events announced on Delcampe. You can filter them by time period, type of event or location. This way, you won’t miss any event that might interest you.

By clicking on the line you are interested in, you will get more details: a description of the event, the entrance fee, the duration, the exact address… All useful information that will help you discover this event.

I would like to promote an event

You are organising an event and you want to make it known to the Delcampe community? Enter it in the Delcampe calendar for free.

Step 1: go to the page

Step 2: click on “suggest an event” and fill in the form

Step 3: at the bottom of the form, add one or more pictures of the event in jpg or png (poster, pictures of previous years… You can add up to 5 pictures).

Step 4 : click on submit my event. It is then automatically submitted to the Delcampe team who will approve it if it is related to the collecting world. As this is a manual process, it can take up to three days.

A few tips

Provide as much information as possible: what collections will be featured? How many exhibitors will be present? If there are one or more exhibitions, talk about it in a few words, indicate if there will be souvenirs of the event… Keep it short and make visitors want to come!

Give your event more visibility by having it sponsored by Delcampe. The only thing we ask for is for the Delcampe logo be displayed on your poster and flyers and that we can make flyers available to visitors. What we offer in exchange: your even will be highlighted at the top of our page. If you want to know more, you can contact us at

We wish you a lot of success in your next events, whether you are a dealer or a visitor… You make the collecting world come alive.

And if there is no event in your area,, the collectors’ marketplace, is obviously at your disposal to help you find your favourite collectables!


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Written by Héloïse

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