In a few days, we will have the pleasure to offer you a new layout for your item lists. Our goal is to provide you with a page that is more attractive and that includes the information you are interested in.

What’s new?

Filters will be located on the left side of the page, just below the category rather than at the top, so that you can access your items more quickly. These filters allow you to determine the sale types, duration, prices, payment methods and location of the items you are interested in. The applied filters will then be displayed at the top of the page. You can remove them by clicking on the cross next to the filter you want to remove or on the link “remove all filters” which will display all results without filters.
The filters contained in your favourite searches are saved, so nothing changes in this respect.



The display settings remain at the top of the page as before. They will enable you on one hand to select the information you want to see about sales (seller, time left…). On the other hand, you will be able to determine the number of items per page and the items you want to see first (new items, sales ending soon…). All item prices are automatically converted to your currency whatever the currency of the seller
The “buy” or “place a bid” buttons are no longer found in the lists. However, they are still on the item page.
The “More” button, which enables you to contact the seller, to report the item or to recommend it to a friend, is available to you by hovering your mouse over the item concerned.
Similar changes, especially in terms of display, can be found on other pages:

  • Auction House catalogues catalogues,
  • sellers’ shops

You can also see that the category lists will be displayed in a single column for more clarity.

As for the rest, the functionalities remain the same and will enable you to choose among the item lists that you prefer!


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Written by Héloïse

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  1. I wait until all the information is provided on how to buy on Delcampe .I hope it is easy !

  2. I await to see the new layout and hope for the best but may I suggest certainly in the UK that the majority of stamp collectors are in the age range of 50 plus and many older than that.We are not as IT literate as you young people at Delcampe and why change something that is,nt broke.In the mean time I find I am unable to purchase anything as the system stands at the moment.Signed “confused pensioner”Dave

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