Many people collect varieties. Defective collection items with an error or a spelling mistake...can be worth a great deal!

What do we mean by variety?

Any item that is slightly different from the original is a variety. There is a long list of them and there are some in every collection. A coin that’s the same on both sides, a badly printed banknote, a stamp with a slightly different colour, a comic strip printed backwards…there a many examples and value of the items can range from a few cents to hundreds of euros.

While it’s normal that a defect in a common consumer item will result in a discount or the item being removed from sale, many collectors are interested in these slightly different items…They’re even thrilled by them!



The error game

Here are a few examples. To the left, the classic item; to the right, the variety. As you can see, the prices they were sold at are completely different…











Why are we fascinated by varieties?

By definition, a variety is far rarer than the original (except in rare instances). As a result, it is less accessible to everyone. At Delcampe, we’re well aware that low supply means a higher price.

There are thousands of varieties to discover on Delcampe.

Do you like the Vintage family? Watch their presentation video!


Do you find Vintage family comic strips amusing? Read more about this topic !



Written by Olivier Laurent

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One comment

  1. Collect errors on coins, banknotes, & stamps