It’s already Christmas at Delcampe Magazine!

Your Delcampe Magazine Special Edition n.4 has been published!

December 16, 2021

The postcard barometer

We are very pleased that Herbert Fischer has accepted to give you a regular update on the evolution of the postcard collection market on our blog. The articles are produced with the kind support of the Daniel Stade auction house.

December 13, 2021

Mermaids on postcards

The mermaid, a fascinating mythological character, has intrigued human beings for many centuries. This half-female, half-fish character has been featured in many ancient rituals. And of course, she is a wonderful collection topic in deltiology among others.

November 30, 2021

Trick or stamp?

The term Halloween comes from “All Hallows Eve”. Celebrated on 31 October, Halloween takes place on the eve of the Christian celebration of All Saints' Day, which was introduced on this date in the 8th century to replace the pagan celebration of Samain. This Gallic, or more precisely Celtic, celebration was celebrated by the druids as a kind of New Year's Eve. It was very popular in Ireland. Indeed, contrary to what many people think, Hallowe

November 3, 2021

Wiener Werkstätte postcards

Postcard illustrations are very sought after and for good reason: old coloured postcards always draw the eye. Today, we will be talking about a series of old illustrations postcard collectors know well: those from the Wiener Werkstätte.

October 6, 2021

The postcard barometer

We are very pleased that Herbert Fischer has accepted to give you a regular update on the evolution of the postcard collection market on our blog. The articles are produced with the kind support of the Daniel Stade auction house.

September 13, 2021

A beautiful summer evening

Delcamping means holidays and relaxation. Enjoy a little collection item cocktail!

September 9, 2021

A new page dedicated to the world of postcards!

In order to make it easier for postcard collectors to find what they are looking for on Delcampe, we are now offering a new page dedicated to the world of postcards. This page allows you to find the popular categories more easily in order to help you in your searches. In addition, it offers you various information about your passion.

September 1, 2021

Delcamping is relaxing!

Swimming pool, deckchairs, slides: collection items know how to relax on Delcampe!

August 24, 2021

Summer postcards

The summer postcard tradition isn’t new. Discover what our favourite seaside resorts looked like and the traditional travel postcards sent at the end of the 19th century thanks to this “World of Collecting” video.

August 17, 2021

Welcome to Delcamping!

Following a very hectic trip to the collection item camping ground, Delcampe welcomes you to your new holiday home!

July 22, 2021

This summer, I’m going Delcamping!

This summer go Delcamping safely and discover millions of collection items on your favourite website. Destination? Delcamping of course!

July 6, 2021