Germany based film distributor Red Arrow Studios has acquired philatelic documentary film for worldwide distribution

Press Release

December 10, 2020

The David Feldman Auction House will hold an auction for the benefit of Médecins sans frontières

On 3 December, the David Feldman Auction House will be selling exceptional stamps for the benefit of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) to help this organization during the Covid-19 pandemic period. This charity sale will provide you with the opportunity to acquire a rare stamp while supporting a good cause.

November 19, 2020

The Mauritius “Post Office” letters

Many collectors are passionate about the first Mauritian stamps. They are among the most sought-after stamps and letters in the world. This article covers the letters Mauritius collectors dream of the most.

November 12, 2020

Discover Perfins!

Dave Hill was Secretary/Treasurer of the Perfin Society (of Great Britain). He is the writer of this article.

November 5, 2020

Collectable stamps

After thanking our comic book lovers by offering them a serigraphy, we would like to honour the philatelist community. To celebrate Delcampe's 20th anniversary, we have created magnificent collectable stamps that we will be offering to some of our faithful Delcampers selected at random.

November 5, 2020


Considering the success of the philatelic webinars held online as a consequence of the diffusion of Covid-19 worldwide (in Italy by CIFO, in the USA by the American Philatelic Society and the Collectors Club, in Great Britain by the Royal Philatelic Society, etc.), CIFT (Centro Italiano Filatelia Tematica) and CIFO (Collezionisti Italiani Francobolli Ordinari) have decided to organize a new programme of virtual philatelic meetings for 2020-2021.

October 12, 2020

Summer gets longer on Delcampe!

All year round, Delcampe brightens up the lives of collectors with its beautiful items! That's why summer gets longer on Delcampe... And that's the theme of our new advertising campaign!

September 23, 2020

5 examples of collections related to stamps

You sometimes hear that stamp collecting is a dusty occupation that is no longer of any interest to anyone. At Delcampe, we are particularly well placed to know that this isn’t true! I would even go a step further and say that many modern collections go hand in hand with stamp collecting.

September 10, 2020

Oscar Roty, an emblematic character for philatelists and numismatists.

All collectors of French coins or stamps know the name of Oscar Roty to whom we owe “la Semeuse” (the Sower). Used on millions of stamps and coins, the Sower is one of the greatest French muses after Marianne.

September 3, 2020

Starting your stamp collection…A few tips!

It didn’t take long for other European countries to start using the same postage system after the creation of the One Penny Black in 1840. As a result, collectors have been passionate about stamps since the second half of the 19th century.

August 27, 2020

Do you know FEPA ?

FEPA is the 'Federation of European Philatelic Associations'. It is an international organisation, the purpose of which is to promote philately across Europe through its Members. The Members are the National Philatelic Federations and Associations in 44 countries, mostly in Europe but including Israel and Egypt. It does not have individual collectors as members. In each country the collectors are represented in FEPA through their national associa

August 14, 2020

Stamps and Comic Books

by Jeff Lough

July 30, 2020

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