A potted history of picture postcards

This article is written by Dave Hill

March 26, 2021

Collect Camembert labels

Collectors of cheese labels are called «tyrosemiophiles Camembert» is the star of cheese label collections. It’s probably because of the round wood box which is particularly well-suited to collecting. And because it can have pretty illustrations and provide historical insight.

March 25, 2021
Quelques conseils pour bien débuter en numismatique

A few tips to get off to a good start in numismatics

I asked Bruno Visentini to help me talk to you about numismatics. Bruno is the president of the Fédération Française des Associations Numismatiques (French Federation of Numismatics Clubs). In this capacity, he agreed to answer my questions to help explore this wonderful passion.

March 18, 2021

Royal postcards

Soon after the postcard was invented, the medium enabled people to discover cities and villages and, of course, many different personalities, including royal families.

March 11, 2021

Some good tips for a postcard collector!

Take advantage of this video to discover deltiology. What interests collectors? How to appraise a collection? These will be the topics of this video.

March 2, 2021

Collecting old maps

Explorers have always travelled the world hoping to find an undiscovered corner. For centuries, cartographers have tried to show the expanses of the world in drawings, carefully representing the work of explorers and political changes. The old maps are highly valued today, because they are often beautiful decorative items. However, they are especially sought after by collectors who patiently look for these scraps of history which brought u

February 23, 2021

Collectable postcards to celebrate Delcampe’s 20th anniversary

A few weeks ago, we announced the creation of a special Delcampe comic strip serigraph. More recently, a collectable set of stamps has been issued as a gift to philatelists. It is now time to please another part of our community: postcard collectors.

February 15, 2021

A treasure hidden in your wallet?

Some euro coins can be valuable. Find out which ones, why and how to get the best price from them in this video!

February 11, 2021

The Louvre yesterday and today

The Louvre is an internationally-known tourist attraction and the most-visited museum in the world! It’s worth spending a bit of time on its history!

January 28, 2021

New: track the postcard barometer on the Delcampe Blog

We’re very happy to bring you a new series of articles devoted to postcards. They will be posted approximately every six weeks with the kind support of the Daniel Stade auction house.

January 26, 2021

Videos about collections subtitled in your language

Discover the Delcampe channel and its videos on the world of collecting. Filmed in French, they are now subtitled in your language.

January 20, 2021

The Christmas tree of yesteryear…

Inspired by pagan tradition, the Christmas tree is one of the must-haves of the festive season. Through postcards, discover the king of the forests as it was decorated at the beginning of the 20th century.

December 24, 2020