The Christmas tree of yesteryear…

Inspired by pagan tradition, the Christmas tree is one of the must-haves of the festive season. Through postcards, discover the king of the forests as it was decorated at the beginning of the 20th century.

December 24, 2020

Discover the new Delcampe Magazine – Special Edition no. 2

To celebrate the end of the year and Delcampe's 20th anniversary, we are pleased to offer you a new special edition of Delcampe Magazine.

December 17, 2020

Starting your postcard collection

There are many postcard collectors at Delcampe and their collections are extremely varied. Are you thinking of starting a collection too? Here are a few ideas to help you choose a topic.

August 13, 2020

A gift from Delcampe for all collectors!

Discover the first "all collections" Delcampe Magazine!

July 2, 2020

Old-time trades? Discover them with postcards!

Technological developments have sounded the death knell for many professions. Grinder, clog maker or lamplighter are some of them. Postcards enable us to rediscover these forgotten jobs carried out by talented craftsmen. Let's discover these old-time trades with postcards!

May 13, 2020

Postcards give you the opportunity to discover these 3 forgotten trades!

Many professions have disappeared by force of circumstance. Fortunately, old photographs or postcards can remind us of their existence.

February 27, 2020

Femininity in Raphaël Kirchner’s postcards

A contemporary of Alfons Mucha, Raphaël Kirchner also left his mark on the postcards of La Belle Epoque. His beautiful women are still thrilling collectors today.

January 17, 2020

75 years of the Battle of the Bulge, a duty of remembrance…

It is already 75 years since one of the most famous battles of the Second World War, the Battle of the Bulge, took place. During the winter of 1944-1945, this battle marked an important turning point in the Allied victory over the Germans. On this occasion, Post Luxembourg issues a commemorative block. We wanted to take up some important elements of this decisive battle in the fields of philately and cartophilia.

December 26, 2019

Become a gourmet postcard collector!

Deltiology offers many collection possibilities. In addition to boats, planes, celebrities or simply the places of your choice, there are more original topics. Today, I would like to introduce you to cooking postcards.

November 14, 2019

Three very popular women in postcards! Will you guess who?

Delcampe is the largest marketplace for collectors. Due to the thousands of items sold every day on the site, we can see what is trendy. In terms of old celebrity postcards, these three women were very successful in 2019!

October 2, 2019

Do you remember your first computer?

Can anyone imagine a world without computers today? Starting in the 1980s, most households invested in a machine that has considerably changed our lives since. What was your first computer?

August 29, 2019

Do you remember your first car?

It has forever left its mark on your mind! Pretty brand new model or a pile of mud in second, third or sixth hand, your first car was the synonym of your freedom!

July 23, 2019